Homeopatthy – making your body’s healing power stronger
Homeopathy is a treatment that uses medicine of natural origin to strengthen your own body’s healing power. Any illness is considered to show an inner imbalance or disruption of harmony. Homeopathy tries to deal with the overall problem that is being pointed out by individual symptoms.
For this purpose the method uses a special medicine, highly diluted cure of natural origin. This substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. This method is supposed to be effective because homeopathy thinks of symptoms as a way the body fights the illness.
According to homeopaths, the better the cure immitates patient’s symptoms, the more effectively it cures you. The more diluted the cure is, the more effective it is. The medicine is prepared in a special way that makes its effect more and more effective with every dilution.
Whom can homeopathy help?
Unlike classical medicine homeopathy highlights the uniqueness of every individual and thinks that patient’s character is decisive for tendency to certain illnesses and symptoms the other way around.
How to find a therapist?
We recommend you to visit MUDr. Jaroslav Čupera in his doctor’s office in Rosice u Brna.
Besides homeopathy does MUDr. Čupera also Bach flower remedies, acupuncture, electoracupunture according to Voll (EAV) and gemmotherapy.
You will be happy with his services.