We don’t currently offer Reiki therapy but we will be happy to offer any other kind of massage. See more details here.


Reiki as a therapy

Since January you can try REIKI THERAPY in our center! If you have no idea what it is or you’ve heard something but you don’t know why you should go try it, read a following article that will answer all your questions.

What is Reiki anyway?

Reiki is an intelligent space energy that can be used by initiated masters to treat their clients’ energetic bodies, to heal physical and mental diseases and clean places from negative emotions. Reiki itself is really intelligent and you can’t use it to hurt someone or abuse it. It knows where it is needed and makes a client feel calm, balanced and happy.

Reiki qualities

  • Supports body’s natural healing power
  • Vitalizes client’s soul and body (also the master’s)
  • Renews mental balance and well-being
  • Works on all the levels – mental, spiritual, physical
  • Releases blocked energy and helps with total relaxation
  • Cleans body from poisons
  • Adapts to client’s needs
  • Effective for both animals and plants
  • Incerases vibrations and gives body more vital energy
  • It is very pleasant holistic treating method


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