About the Cooling massage and what techniques we use

This massage is particularly suitable for hot summer days. It is a very relaxing and gentle massage. We use special oil containing mint and other herbs with cooling effects. The massage itself is a combination of common massage techniques with regard to the client’s condition and wishes. The optimal length of one massage is 60 minutes.

What this massage is suitable for

We massage the whole body and the massage is suitable for overall cooling of the organism, for ralaxing and stretching of muscles, for relaxation and for dealing with stiff places on the body.

Effects of the Cooling Massage

The special cooling oil contains ingredients that help remove excess heat from the body. The massage creates a feeling of relaxation and refreshment, which can last for several hours. The oil also nourishes the skin and helps protect it from the adverse effects of sunlight.

In case of more visits we recommend to buy a season ticket, with which you can save money.

Questions (Mo-Fr 8-18): +420 732 723 287

See prices in our Price list.

Who performs the Cooling Massage


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