Relaxing Massages are massages that help you relax. Leave everyday problems and stress behind you and leave your body in hands of our experienced masseurs. Choose your desired massage or leave it to us – just make an appointment by clicking on the “Make an appointment” button. We always select the most suitable techniques according to the problems and wishes of our clients. If you have any special requests, please state them when making the appointment. You can also purchase Gift Vouchers or save money with Season Tickets.
Classic Massage
Classic massage consists of the most common techniques that originated mostly from the so called Swedish reconditioning massage. The massage intends to complexly loosen the body and to help clients with creating correct motion habits read more…
Massage for pregnant women
The massage is an individual therapy for women both before and after delivery. It makes all the body changes easier and it is a great preparation for the delivery itself read more…
Gentle techniques and PIR
Gentle techniques, also known as soft techniques or myofacial massage is a method of manual therapy. It is done in a dry way without any oil. We use it as a supporting massage when we notice reflexive changes on skin, hypodermis and muscles read more…
Dry Massage
During Dry Massage, massage oils are not used. Therefore, it’s a dry technique, applied through clothes or without clothes. During this massage, we use a combination of common massage techniques, according to the state and wishes of our client read more…
Is it difficult to choose?
No problem! Call us or send an e-mail and we will help you to choose the best massage for you. We’re here for you! ?
Or just make an appointment and we can choose the massage for you when you come.
Are you going for the first time?
Are you going to our massage for the first time and you are worried about the whole process? How to prepare for the massage and to know what to expect, please see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS of our clients.